Is that thing troubling you a problem or a predicament? If you know the difference, it can make your life much easier.
If it's something you can solve, it's a problem.
A predicament cannot be solved. You can only find ways to cope with it.
If you work in a crime-prone area, this is a predicament. You cannot solve the crime problem in the area. You can only learn to cope with it. You can install better alarm system for your car. You can be more vigilant about your personal safety. You can find ways to cope but you cannot stop the crime.
You can solve a problem. For example, if you're drowning in debt, you can find ways to deal with it. Perhaps you could cut your credit card in two while you work on paying the debt. You can review your spending and saving habits and find ways to reduce unnecessary spending. With a little determination and discipline, you can pay off all your debts.
The next time something troubles you, ask yourself if it's a problem or a predicament. If it's a problem, find ways to solve it. If it's a predicament, figure out how best to cope.
And then let go. You'll live longer and happier.