Thursday, 9 April 2009

How to Survive the Global Economy Crisis

If you've been watching the news, you'd have heard all the doom and gloom story about the global economy. Things are getting tough. People are laid off. Not a pretty picture.

I do not pay any attention to the doom and gloom news because I don't want to be infected by the negativity. Yes, we're in the middle of an economic downturn but it's not the end of the world. I can choose to not let it affect me. I can choose to not let it control me.

We always have a choice - we can let the environment and circumstances control us, or we can choose to respond (not react) to our environment and circumstances. Responding and reacting are two very different things.

Did you know that some of the wealthiest people actually made a fortune during economic downturns? Read about it here - it's a free wealth report.

In case you haven't read "The Science of Getting Rich", it's available for free too.