Sunday, 2 March 2008

Cultivate The Correct Mindset

One of the most important turning points in my life was reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. This book changed the way I look at life, money, and what is possible for me.

The most important thing I learnt in this book is that rich people have a different mindset. They think differently, and they teach their children to think differently too. It is this one factor that makes all the difference in our financial success.

We need the correct mindset and knowledge in order to succeed financially. This mindset and knowledge is something that can be learnt - in the same way we can learn to tie our shoe laces, ride a bicycle, drive, juggle etc.

One of the things taught in this book is that the rich do not work for money. I was puzzled. Seriously?!

When I started reading the book, I promised myself to keep an open mind. Life has also taught me that just because I do not understand something now doesn't mean it's incorrect. It simply means I do not yet have the knowledge, wisdom or insight to understand it.

3 years passed by since I first read this book. I have learnt a lot since then that have made it possible to understand much of what I didn't then. How did I learnt all that? From books, seminar, talking to people who run their own businesses etc.

If you haven't read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", I recommend that you do now. For me, this was the basis that changed everything.