Sunday, 23 March 2008

How to Set & Achieve Goals

Have you ever made a new year resolution and forgotten all about it by the second month? If you're a mere mortal like most of the population, you probably have.

Recently, I completed a short course on how to set and achieve goals. The course is "Simpleology 101: The Simple Science of Getting What You Want". There are 20 lessons and the course is structured in such a way that you need to spend only 5 - 10 minutes a day on it. And then you spend another 5 minutes on your daily targets. So that's a total of 15 minutes a day. Pretty cool, eh?

One of the useful things I learn from this course is how to set my daily tasks according to my goal. Most of us have daily to do list. Simpleology taught me how to make a daily list that helps me achieve my goals. Prioritize and throw away time-consuming tasks that get you nowhere.

How much does this course cost, I hear you ask. This is the coolest part. It's free! Zero dollars and zero cents. And they even give you free software to help you keep track of your progress.

Okay, so now you're probably thinking that if it's free it can't be good. Not at all. The course is REALLY good. I swear. I use it myself. I still use the software every day.

If you don't believe me, check out Simpleology 101 yourself.