Friday 9 November 2007

Beware of Your Thoughts

"A man is literally what he thinks."
-James Allen

"You are today where your thoughts have
brought you; you will be tomorrow where
your toughts take you.
-James Allen

We are what we think. Most of us are not aware of the power of our thoughts on our lives. Let me give an example that I think many can identify with. How familiar are you with the phrase "Money don't grow on trees!"? Hmmm.....

I dare say most people grow up believing that making money is hard work. You have to work hard to earn it.... because money don't grow on trees. You believe so because that is what you see around you - people working hard for money. If you want to earn more, you have to work harder and longer hours. What you see affirms your belief that making money involves hard work.

You believe that making money is hard work, therefore, it becomes hard. If you're like me, you came from that same background. So if one of your goals is to related to making more money here's a positive affirmation for you to try. Everyday, repeat this to yourself: "Making money is easy. Money comes to me easily and frequently in large sums."

The first step towards getting what you want is deciding what you want. The second step is to write specific, measurable goals that you want to achieve. The third step is replacing your negative thoughts with positive thoughts - let's call it positive affirmation. I just gave you one about money. Let's see if we can try write another one.

Are you a parent with teenage children? A handful, aren't they? I know I gave my parents a hard time at that age. If you feel like you have an impossible time communicating with them, try this affirmation: "My son/daughter and I have a wonderful relationship based on love and mutual trust and understanding. We can talk about anything and resolve any issues amicably and find a solution that is satisfactory to both."

If you're a teenager with unreasonable parents who don't understand you, modify that affirmation a bit ;-).

I hope you get an idea what positive affimation is about. One thing you must remember is it is about you. It's not about changing another person.

Now sit and write down a list of negative thoughts you have. After you've done that, write positive affirmations to replace the negative ones. Repeat the positive affirmations at least twice a day.

Next, I have a challenge for you. :-)