Friday 2 November 2007

What would you like to have in life?

What would you like to have in life? We are often vague about what we want. For example, we might say, "I would like to have more money". Sure we want to have more money, but what is more money? How much is more money? Can you visualize how "more money" look like?

You should be specific about what you want. Instead of saying "I'd like to have more money", be specific about how much money you want, for example, "I want to make $5000 a month". It's much clearer. You can easily imagine $5000 deposited into your account every month. You can now improve it by specifying when you want that money. Add a date and time, so now write down "I want to make $5000 a month by 12.00 pm 30 June 2008." That's very specific. Now you can visualize that much money deposited into your account every month.

Use the same approach for whatever you want in your life. If there is a dream house you've been eying for ages, write down, "I will buy and move in the house at 123 Elm Street by 5.00 pm on 31 December 2008."

If you're overweight and would like to lose weight, find out what is your ideal weight and write down "I will weigh 55 kg by 5.00 pm on 12 February, 2008."

If you're waiting for your soul mate to walk into your life, you may want to write a statement like this: "My soul mate is out there and is finding his/her way to me. We will meet by 6.00 pm 30 May 2008."

If it's a promotion you want, your goal might be something like this: "I will be promoted to the post of Art Director by 4.00 p.m. on 30 April, 2008."

All you need to do is decide what you want, set a measurable target and when you want to have it. Remember to allow a reasonable time for what you desire to manifest. If you're 15 kg overweight, there's no way you can lose 15 kg healthily in one week. So be reasonable and set realistic goals to acquire what you want.

If what you want does not happen by the deadline, don't be discouraged. It doesn't mean it won't happen. It simply means that more time is needed. Why? May be you're not ready to receive it, or may be the time is not right, or may be something better is in store for your. If it doesn't happen by the target date, simply give it more time and choose another date, perhaps a few months later.

Write all your goals on a small card that you can easily carry with you. Put it on your desk, in your purse, on the night stand next to you. Read it out loud to yourself at least twice a day - once in the morning and once in the evening.

When doing this exercise, it's important to cast away any doubts. If you say to yourself "I will weigh 55 kg by 5.00 pm on 12 February, 2008" and then think, "Who am I kidding? I'll never lose that much weight". Your negative thought will sabotage your efforts to lose weight. Believe with all your heart that you will have what you want and that you deserve to have it. Don't let negative thoughts sabotage you.