Saturday 1 December 2007

What Is Your Intention Today?

It's a simple question that can make a big difference in your daily life. Each morning ask yourself, "What is my intention today?". Decide what you want to do and it will happen.

I've been doing this for a week. and I'm amazed by how much I can get done just by asking myself that simple question each morning. I have a post-it-note on my vanity table so I'd see that question each morning as I'm getting ready. When I see that question, I answer with 2 or 3 things I want to do and at the end of they day, they're all done. Once again, the power of intention at work.

Another powerful tool you can implement is evening review. Every day before you go to bed, do an evening review. Take out a piece of paper and draw three columns. In the first column, list things you've accomplished that day (e.g. I finalized the schedule for the project I'm working on). In the second column, list why each accomplishment is important (e.g now I can talk to my suppliers). In the third column list down things you need to do further (e.g. call 3 suppliers and get a quote).

For each task that you need to do, visualize how you're going to do them in as much detail as possible. By doing so, you put yourself in a state where you expect things to run smoothly and you start your day with a positive attitude.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.