Do you know anyone who says, "I'll give when I have more money" or "I'll give when I have more time". People who think this way believe they have to get before they can give. The attitude of getting is the law of life in a congested state. As long as "getting" dominates our mind, the mind is in a paralysed condition.
Giving is the fundamental law of life, it is the first law of all creation.
We can wish and dream and pray, but that doesn't make us ready for receiving. So what prepares us to receive? Giving always precedes receiving. Giving could be in the form of your money, thought, work or energy. As you give freely, you receive freely.
Here's my experience on how giving opens an opportunity for me to receive. Last year, I got involved in a project to raise money to help a children center for underpriveleged children. It was a purely fund raising project with no monetary gain on my part.
In the middle of working on this project, I was introduced to a potential partner for a new business venture. We got together, talked about what we could do for each other. The business was launched in September last year. The business hasn't turned a profit yet, but we have lined up a series of products to be launched in June this year that should be very profitable. We're very optimistic about it.
I never thought that a simple desire to help underprivelged children would lead me to a business opportunity. :-)
Keep this important aspect of the Law of Receiving in mind:
"When we give our best in some useful service, forgetful of self, concentrating on the joy of giving instead of concentrating on the return, we find that our purpose and the purpose of money have blended and we come together in righteous and eternal good."
- from "The 11 Forgotten Laws"
"If you give money and the idea is wholly one of bargaining, your mind is not free; therefore, your results cannot be free and full flowing."
- from "The 11 Forgotten Laws"
Stop expecting to receive and start giving. Watch what then comes your way.