Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Do Not Be Satisfied

"From abundance was scooped abundance, and more abundance remains."

Do no feel satisfied with what you have.

Did that statement shock you? Do you think it sounds ungrateful?

Being grateful and being satisfied are two different things. We must always be grateful for what we have. We should never feel satisfied. Because being satisfied stops us from striving for more and better. No, it's not greedy.

Consider this. At each Olympic game, the Olympians strive to break previous records. No one thinks it's greedy. It's a challenge to do better.

This is from the chapter on the Law of Supply from "The 11 Forgotten Laws":
"The law of our being is perpetual increase, progress and growth: so when one good is realised, another desire for a greater good will develop; and when a higher state is reached, another more glorious state will unfold his vision and urge him on even higher. Hence, the advancing life is the true life, the life that God intended man to live."

We live an a world of abundance and there is more than enough for everyone. If you're a skeptic, right now you're probably thinking, "Yeah, right! Why then are there are people living in poverty and starving?".

Because they fail to see the limitless supply around them. If you're born in a world of poverty and you know nothing else, you would probably believe that that is how your life should be. It's a fate you have to accept. There's nothing you can do about it. That is why so many people are trapped in a world of scarcity. Because their mind cannot conceive a world of limitless supply. Poverty arises from a poverty consciousness.

There is an unlimited supply of whatever we want. Believe in abundance and we will have an abundant life. Supply is not just about money; money if just on form of supply. Don't focus on money only because there are many facets of life to experience and enjoy.

We cannot have what our mind cannot imagine. Always expect things to be better. Ask how things can be made increasingly better and the answer will be given, doors will be unlocked.

One thing that we should do in our quest to get better things is to be grateful for what we already have. Every night before going to bed, I sit and express my gratitude for all good things I have now - good health, a good home, that I may sleep in peace and without fear, a car that gets me places safely etc.

If you're not already doing it, start today and see how that shifts your life.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

We Become What We Think About

What are your dominant thoughts everyday?

Someone said that if we monitor our thoughts, we'd be surprised by how fear-based we are. I didn't believe it at the time. But I gave it a try anyway and started monitoring my thoughts.

I was kind of surprised to find that many of my thoughts are fear-based and negative. What if I don't achieve my target sales? What if I don't make enough money to cover the costs? What if I failed? What if I don't make it?

A lot of fears and a lot of self doubts.

You should try it. You don't have to monitor your thoughts 24 hours a day because if you do, you won't be able to do anything else. Catch you negative and fear-based thoughts and ask yourself how you can turn it around.

For example, whenever I feel fear of not making enough money, I tell myself that the universe is abundant and there is more than enough for everyone. I trust that I will have more than enough.

Guess what? Since I started changing that thought, it has become more than enough. For the past 4 months, I've been receiving cheques in the mail. Cool!

We become what we think about. If our thoughts are mostly negative, that's not going to help us become more successful. If we focus on our fear, the fear becomes a reality. Last year, one of my fears become a reality; another one almost happened.

That scared the hell out of me. Ever since then, whenever I have a negative or fear-based thought, I quickly say to myself, "Cancel, cancel!", and replace it with more cheerful thoughts.

Everything that happens in our life is the result of our thoughts. Like an architect who draws a plan before building a house, the mental pictures that we have in our mind eventually manifest in our physical world.

If we could learn to tap into the power of our mind, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and explore the unknown in order to discover your true potential? 2 years ago, that was what I decided to do. And the journey has been full of surprises and self discovery.

I love this ending of Chapter 1 of "The 11 Forgotten Laws":

"The poet Rumi from the 13th century said,"It's as if a king has sent you into a far and distant land with one specific task to accomplish. You could accomplish 100 other things, and if you failed to accomplish the one thing for which you have been sent in the end, it will be as if you have accomplished nothing."

"It's as if a king, the G.O.D., the grand over all designing, principle, presence, power of this universe sent you and me into a far and distant land - planet Earth, human birth - one specific task to accomplish, the discovery and delivery of who we really are. Who we really are as sons and daughters of this universe, of life itself, in all its beauty and wonder and glory and power. We could accomplish 100 other things and the world will convince us of little things we need to do. But if we fail do discover and deliver who we really are in the end, it will be as if we have done nothing.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

What Fruits Do You Want in 2009?

Get a piece of paper and a pen. Draw a big tree with 7 branches. Draws fruits hanging from the branches.

The tree represents you. Each branch represents an aspect of your life. The fruits represent the results you want to see in your life.

Label each branch as follows:

  • Financial
  • Health
  • Family
  • Social
  • Spiritual
  • Personal Development
  • Contribution

In order for you to get what you want, firstly you have to ask. Be specific about what you want in 2009. Then identify what you need to do to achieve them.

To help you do so, for each branch, ask the following questions:

  1. What fruits do I want?
  2. Who do I need to connect to so that I can have the what?
  3. When do I want it to happen?
  4. How am I going to do it?
  5. Why do I want this?

I've done it for my financial and family branches. Two down, five more to go. :-)

Monday, 5 January 2009

Working with the Law

"Don't let your present good become the enemy of the better."
-Jack Boland

In the past 2 years, I've spent quite a significant amount of money on training and personal growth seminars. It's simply because I know there's something I don't know that's like an anchor that's holding me back.

In the past year, I learned something about myself, something that I needed to understand. Finally coming to terms with it was liberating. Hurtful, yet liberating.

But that's not what I want to write about. What I want to share with you is what I learned from Bob Proctor's program "The 11 Forgotten Laws".

I don't know if you're one of those people who when hearing "Law of Attraction" or "The Secret" would roll your eyes, thinking "No, not again!".

The reason I believe in the Law of Attraction is because I've seen it work in my life. At the time, I didn't know that it's the Law of Attraction. I didn't even know that I'm actually using it but that doesn't change the fact that the law exists.

It's like the law of gravity. Regardless of whether or not you know the law of gravity exisit, regardless of whether you believe in it or not, it's there. So even if you say that you don't believe in gravity because you can't see it, if you jump off the top of the 20th floor, well... let's just say it's not a pretty picture.

If you feel that the Law of Attraction is not quite working for you, it's probably because you're not using the other 11 laws.

The 11 Forgotten Laws are:

  1. Law of Thinking
  2. Law of Supply
  3. Law of Attraction
  4. Law of Receiving
  5. Law of Increase
  6. Law of Compensation
  7. Law of Non-Resistance
  8. Law of Forgiveness
  9. Law of Sacrifice
  10. Law of Obedience
  11. Law of Success

In my future postings, I'm going to talk to you about the 11 laws. In the mean time, have a look at The 11 Forgotten Laws website.