Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Do Not Be Satisfied

"From abundance was scooped abundance, and more abundance remains."

Do no feel satisfied with what you have.

Did that statement shock you? Do you think it sounds ungrateful?

Being grateful and being satisfied are two different things. We must always be grateful for what we have. We should never feel satisfied. Because being satisfied stops us from striving for more and better. No, it's not greedy.

Consider this. At each Olympic game, the Olympians strive to break previous records. No one thinks it's greedy. It's a challenge to do better.

This is from the chapter on the Law of Supply from "The 11 Forgotten Laws":
"The law of our being is perpetual increase, progress and growth: so when one good is realised, another desire for a greater good will develop; and when a higher state is reached, another more glorious state will unfold his vision and urge him on even higher. Hence, the advancing life is the true life, the life that God intended man to live."

We live an a world of abundance and there is more than enough for everyone. If you're a skeptic, right now you're probably thinking, "Yeah, right! Why then are there are people living in poverty and starving?".

Because they fail to see the limitless supply around them. If you're born in a world of poverty and you know nothing else, you would probably believe that that is how your life should be. It's a fate you have to accept. There's nothing you can do about it. That is why so many people are trapped in a world of scarcity. Because their mind cannot conceive a world of limitless supply. Poverty arises from a poverty consciousness.

There is an unlimited supply of whatever we want. Believe in abundance and we will have an abundant life. Supply is not just about money; money if just on form of supply. Don't focus on money only because there are many facets of life to experience and enjoy.

We cannot have what our mind cannot imagine. Always expect things to be better. Ask how things can be made increasingly better and the answer will be given, doors will be unlocked.

One thing that we should do in our quest to get better things is to be grateful for what we already have. Every night before going to bed, I sit and express my gratitude for all good things I have now - good health, a good home, that I may sleep in peace and without fear, a car that gets me places safely etc.

If you're not already doing it, start today and see how that shifts your life.