What are your dominant thoughts everyday?
Someone said that if we monitor our thoughts, we'd be surprised by how fear-based we are. I didn't believe it at the time. But I gave it a try anyway and started monitoring my thoughts.
I was kind of surprised to find that many of my thoughts are fear-based and negative. What if I don't achieve my target sales? What if I don't make enough money to cover the costs? What if I failed? What if I don't make it?
A lot of fears and a lot of self doubts.
You should try it. You don't have to monitor your thoughts 24 hours a day because if you do, you won't be able to do anything else. Catch you negative and fear-based thoughts and ask yourself how you can turn it around.
For example, whenever I feel fear of not making enough money, I tell myself that the universe is abundant and there is more than enough for everyone. I trust that I will have more than enough.
Guess what? Since I started changing that thought, it has become more than enough. For the past 4 months, I've been receiving cheques in the mail. Cool!
We become what we think about. If our thoughts are mostly negative, that's not going to help us become more successful. If we focus on our fear, the fear becomes a reality. Last year, one of my fears become a reality; another one almost happened.
That scared the hell out of me. Ever since then, whenever I have a negative or fear-based thought, I quickly say to myself, "Cancel, cancel!", and replace it with more cheerful thoughts.
Everything that happens in our life is the result of our thoughts. Like an architect who draws a plan before building a house, the mental pictures that we have in our mind eventually manifest in our physical world.
If we could learn to tap into the power of our mind, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and explore the unknown in order to discover your true potential? 2 years ago, that was what I decided to do. And the journey has been full of surprises and self discovery.
I love this ending of Chapter 1 of "The 11 Forgotten Laws":
"The poet Rumi from the 13th century said,"It's as if a king has sent you into a far and distant land with one specific task to accomplish. You could accomplish 100 other things, and if you failed to accomplish the one thing for which you have been sent in the end, it will be as if you have accomplished nothing."
"It's as if a king, the G.O.D., the grand over all designing, principle, presence, power of this universe sent you and me into a far and distant land - planet Earth, human birth - one specific task to accomplish, the discovery and delivery of who we really are. Who we really are as sons and daughters of this universe, of life itself, in all its beauty and wonder and glory and power. We could accomplish 100 other things and the world will convince us of little things we need to do. But if we fail do discover and deliver who we really are in the end, it will be as if we have done nothing."